
Discord Notification formatting got messed up (Edge)

rg9400 opened this issue · 6 comments

Support guidelines

I've found a bug and checked that ...

  • ... the documentation does not mention anything about my problem
  • ... there are no open or closed issues that are related to my problem


Formatting for Discord notification messages (not the embed) got disturbed in one of the recent Edge releases. The first image is the last properly formatted notification, so it's where the bug was introduced.



Expected behaviour

Formatting should not be disturbed, so it should look like the first image

Actual behaviour

It looks like the second image

Steps to reproduce

  1. Update Diun to latest Edge
  2. Set up Discord notification webhooks
  3. Have a new image be updated
  4. Verify formatting of Discord notification

Diun version


Docker info

I do not believe this is relevant, but I can provide if so

Docker Compose config

Not relevant


Not relevant (can provide if deemed relevant, but I think this is just a notification formatting error)

Additional info

No response

Thanks for your report!

Ok so v4.25.0-79-g54a61c4 is the actual version where it seems broken. That's odd though, I can't find the commit id g54a61c4 in the working tree.

But anyway, I think this could be linked to #927. Can you try with edge again to see if you still repro with latest changes by any chance? And latest as well to see if this is not an upstream breaking change.

It's still broken on v4.25.0-113-g42d16db

Running latest tag with v4.25.0 works fine

Thanks I'm taking a look

@rg9400 If you want to pull edge again, this should be fixed.

@crazy-max can confirm, it is fixed now. Thanks!

And thank you for testing edge releases