
Trans.QueryBuilder does not support join

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Domeee commented

Hi @crbelaus

I'm currently evaluating different solutions to tackle I18n in our project. trans looks very promising. Thank you for it!

Using Trans.QueryBuilder in conjunction with join does not seem to work.

from(o in Organisation, join: p in assoc(o, :programs), select: %{title: translated_as(Program, p.title, user.locale)}) |> Repo.all()

results in the following error:

** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42703 (undefined_column) column "p0" does not exist
query: SELECT translate_field(p0, $1::varchar, $2::varchar, $3::varchar, $4::varchar[]) AS "title" FROM "organisations" AS o0 INNER JOIN "programs" AS p1 ON p1."organisation_id" = o0."id"

Renaming the intermediate veriable p to p1 seems to resolve this issue.

    from(o in Organisation,
      join: p1 in assoc(o, :programs),
      select: %{title: translated_as(Program, p1.title, user.locale)}
    |> Repo.all()

This in turn does not seem to be a maintainable solution. Any thoughts on this?