errSaveToRedis Causes Panic
RafaelPiloto10 opened this issue · 3 comments
RafaelPiloto10 commented
Required check list:
- I didn't find in the repository's issues section similar bug.
- I understand, this is Open Source and not-for-profit product.
- This is not about third-party project, framework, package or technology.
My environment:
- OS (
uname -a
): Darwin poisson.local 21.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0: Fri Mar 18 00:47:26 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.101.4~15/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 arm64 - Golang (
go version
): go version go1.18.1 darwin/amd64
Describe the bug:
Incorrect redis error handling leads to panic when Redis Save throws error.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Do not install Redis and try to sign in
Expected behavior:
Error handling should catch errSaveToRedis
and return error. Should look like:
// Save refresh token to Redis.
errSaveToRedis := connRedis.Set(context.Background(), userID, tokens.Refresh, 0).Err()
if errSaveToRedis != nil {
// Return status 500 and Redis connection error.
return c.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(fiber.Map{
"error": true,
"msg": errSaveToRedis.Error(),
welcome commented
Thanks for opening your first issue here! 🎉 Be sure to follow the issue template!
koddr commented
At the moment, unfortunately, I cannot fully support this project, so any help in the development of the project will be met with great gratitude!
If you have time to send a PR, then I will be happy to consider and accept it.
Thank you for your interest in the project ❤️
RafaelPiloto10 commented
No worries! I can certainly submit a PR!