
Is monkey-patching still working?

disfated opened this issue · 3 comments

On node v12.13 having a hard time to make use of http-parser-js.

This trick

process.binding('http_parser').HTTPParser = require('http-parser-js').HTTPParser;

seems not working any more.

Is anyone having success with it on actual node versions or I'm missing something?

I did some digging, and there's a bunch of things going wrong...

  • Node's parser binding in v12 is now called 'http_parser_llhttp', however they did not add that to the whitelist of modules exposed through process.binding, so there's no way to override it. v13 renames it back to http_parser, so that's good, at least.
  • Luckily, you can tell node v12 to use the older parser binding with node --http-parser=legacy, then it's called 'http_parser' again, which is monkey-patchable
  • Unfortunately, they changed the parser API again, in a way that http-parser-js does not handle (looks pretty minor, just changed it to empty constructor plus an .initialize() call instead of passing things in the constructor), so even with --http-parser=legacy, this module is not working
    • PRs welcome to fix this! I think that'll also fix it on node v13+, but v12 will probably require --http-parser=legacy in order to monkey patch.

I've fixed http-parser-js to work on Node v12.x and v13.0.1. However, on Node v12, you must launch Node with node --http-parser=legacy in order to monkey-patch. Should work after doing that, though, all tests are passing! Published to NPM as v0.5.2.

Monkey-patching is working as of all current Node versions (has been for quite a while, just closing this issue now). For reference, checked yesterday on

  • v6.9.1
  • v8.11.3
  • v10.16.0
  • v12.20.0 (requires --http-parser=legacy command line option)
  • v13.11.0
  • v14.9.0
  • v15.5.0