
[Feature] Responsive Thumbnail Boxes

Opened this issue · 2 comments

siddrs commented


The current Thumbnailboxes don't account for mobile phone users and makes it difficult for them to access various resources and contents with ease. The content doesn't fit the the screen width and majority of users may have to actually zoom in to see the provided content .
Google and other search engines prioritize mobile-responsive sites in search result so a non responsive site may rank lower and receive less traffic.


The Feature request being proposed improves the formatting and design of thumbnailbox to make them more responsive and user friendly. Specifically, The proposed solution includes changing the HTML format and adding new elements to make the CSS integration easier. I have also tried to follow the provided CC-vocabulary and have implemented a media query that transforms the design of thumbnailboxes when viewed on phone's. The provided CSS transforms vertical thumbnailboxes to horizontal ones that fit the maximum width of the device to make the User experience better, also the height is optimized in such a way that more thumbnailboxes could be seen by the user


Instead of block display we use the grid or flexbox and make the thumbnail boxes responsive so that they maintain their vertical orientation but also don't affect the user experience

Additional context

Expected outcome


Expected phone website

responsive design



  • I would be interested in implementing this feature.

@TimidRobot Sir can I work on this?

@Deviprasad-Karkala Please see Contribution Guidelines — Creative Commons Open Source for how we manage issues and PRs (we generally don't assign issues prior to resolution).