Need lightweight self-contained HTML error pages
Opened this issue · 23 comments
Issue Description
We need lightweight self-contained HTML error pages that use the Creative Commons brand.
- should use Vocabulary
- should be simple and informative
- must be completely self-contained (all assets inlined)
- must be small (must not exceed 1.43MB)
- may provide instructions or next steps
For use on hosts:
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not Found
- 503 Service Unavailable
For use on Cloudflare (potentially using custom error tokens):
- Challenges:
- Basic security
- Web Application Firewall
- IP Firewall (Country block, Country challenge, IP (range) block)
- Cloudflare errors:
- 502 Bad Gateway
- 504 Gateway Timeout
- CF 52X
- 10XX errors
- Always Online
The higher priority error messages are bolded.
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Would love to work on this issue, please how do i go about it
@alexiaOkarabi Please post whatever questions you have about the work here. We've posted the details that we think are relevant to the issue in the issue description but it's possible we've missed something – however we don't know what those are unless you ask us more detailed questions.
@kgodey okay ma. Please would love to know how to run the development environment for the site such that i can see the changes when i make them. Have cloned and read the readme file but cant find where it is written on how to run the dev environment.
There is no development environment here, we want some static, standalone HTML pages independent of any other project. We put the issue in this repo because this is the repo in which we put all our general issues. it doesn't have to do with the code of this repository.
@TimidRobot, how do you want the code delivered?
@kgodey Okay thanks.
@kgodey I have dis for the 404 error code. it weighs about 520kb.
@alexiaOkarabi please be sure to use CC vo·cab·u·lar·y.
@TimidRobot Okay
@TimidRobot please should I design pages for each of the 10XX errors?
@alexiaOkarabi, no i don't believe so. Just one that uses the Cloudflare custom error tokens.
@TimidRobot Please is something like this okay?
@alexiaOkarabi, yes, something like that.
The images do not, in my opinion, represent a unified design. I recommend you create designs for 3-4 pages and reach out on Slack for feedback (I'm @Timid Robot
there). If you'd like I can create a dedicated channel.
@TimidRobot Okay Let me send you the designs I have on slack. Should I send through direct messages or on the general channel
Work done by @techievivek on creativecommons/ can be used for reference as it has a very minimal design aesthetic. And the SVGs being monochromatic and flat allow reccolouring using CSS which is a huge plus when creating error pages in a design system.
This had come up earlier too at cc-archive/vue-vocabulary#7 (comment).
I assume this ticket's output should include both developing a component and automation to generate fully self-contained HTML pages from that component. @dhruvkb, if it would make more sense to split the issues up into two separate ones, please go ahead and do so.
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@caseynv and @sushmitaswain1, I'll assign you both. Please connect on the Creative Commons Community Slack in order to coordinate.
@TimidRobot I'd like to work on this issue but it needs additional information before it can be worked on. Can you provide more information for this ticket? thanks!