
Change some text for CC0 image attribution

Opened this issue · 6 comments


When I go to my WordPress Media page and add a CC0 license to an image the generated license text for that image is:

Except where otherwise noted, the content on this site is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License.

Shouldn't it be something like:

Except where otherwise noted, this media is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License.

And maybe the "Except where otherwise noted, " should be removed as well when licensing media?


  1. Add a CC0 license to media
  2. See text


Expect text specifying that the license only holds for that image instead of the whole site.


  • Browser: Firefox 81.0.2
  • Version: v2020.09.1

Hello, I have a good hand on wordpress plugin development and customization. But almost no with open source, I want to fix this particular issue. Can u please explain a bit more, how I can reproduce this behaviour, I tried to add license in media library, also I added that to a post. But couldn't find attribution text. Please let me know, how I can check the issue?

Hi @siccovansas, can you please elaborate on what text are you exactly talking about? I added a license to a image and I could see no text generated.


Hi @nishantwrp, the text I get is generated by the license_html_rdfa function which I call in a script to add the license to media.

Hi, I still can't get how this function is used to generate licenses for media. Can you please maybe provide some steps/screenshots to reproduce this error?

Hi @siccovansas, actually that function is used in this plugin to generate_rdfa on the complete site i.e. by footer or widget. I don't think there is such function for image attributes (@hugosolar please confirm). However, I think you can do something like

This content is licensed by{' '}
<a href="">
Creative Commons CC0 Universal Public Domain Dedication license.