
Sidebar Animation

Closed this issue · 8 comments


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Expected Behavior

is there a way to make the sidebar expand / transition happen only when the toggle button is clicked and stay fixed until the toggle button is clicked again.

Current Behavior

Current behavior is sidebar expand when hovering on the toggle button and stay fixed when toggle button is clicked.

Failure Information (for bugs)

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Steps to Reproduce

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  1. step 1
  2. step 2
  3. you get it...


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Failure Logs

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Hi, @demon0430,

Thank you for using Creative-Tim products!

In order to solve your problem please do the following things:
-> in your project, please remove this event:
$('.sidenav').on('mouseenter', function() { if(! $('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-pinned')) { $('body').removeClass('g-sidenav-hide').removeClass('g-sidenav-hidden').addClass('g-sidenav-show'); } })

-> this is the path:
and in public/argon/css/argon.css, remove .sidenav:hover { max-width: 250px; }




Appreciate the help. It did what its supposed to do but resulted in the toggle button being hidden when on mobile for a big screen on landscape

Appreciate the help.




Because on mobile we don't have the event "mouseleave", please delete event function:
$('.sidenav').on('mouseleave', function() { if(! $('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-pinned')) { $('body').removeClass('g-sidenav-show').addClass('g-sidenav-hide'); setTimeout(function() { $('body').removeClass('g-sidenav-hide').addClass('g-sidenav-hidden'); }, 300); } })

from argon.js and add in function "unpinSidenav()" below code:

if(! $('body').hasClass('g-sidenav-pinned')) { $('body').removeClass('g-sidenav-show').addClass('g-sidenav-hide'); setTimeout(function() { $('body').removeClass('g-sidenav-hide').addClass('g-sidenav-hidden'); }, 300); }


Appreciate the quick response. Will try it and let you know.



Appreciate the assistance. We cam close this ticket now.


Hi @demon0430,

Glad that you got your problem solved!

If you need help with any of your projects, we're happy to get in touch. We do custom development for start-ups and companies across the globe (you can check out our portfolio here and some happy clients over here Don`t hesitate to drop us a line at or by using our contact form (




I am using the latest version of the argon dashboard template and is trying to recreate this workaround but is having a problem with this instruction:

public/argon/css/argon.css, remove .sidenav:hover { max-width: 250px; }

the new version has the minified version argon.min.css.

Can you help me locate or update the minified version.


Hi @demon0430,

Thanks for sending this and for using Creative Tim products.

You can overwrite this css in your custom css file (if you don't have one, you can create in public/css and import it in app.blade.php). Import your css file after the argon file and it will have priority.

Please let us know if this helped and if there is anything else we can do.
