
Make rounded corners in Blur theme for Windows 10

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Windows 10 - no rounded corners
Снимок экрана 2022-06-20 в 11 16 08
Windows 11 - rounded corners
Screenshot 2022-06-21 142544

One way to get rounded corners is to use MagickMeter plugin instead of FrostedGlass

Here are disadvantages of this way:

  • Skin ignores any window under the skin and shows only blurred wallpaper
  • It gets laggy while dragging the skin around the screen as it redraws its background every second only

Other way is to hope that feature would be implemented in FrostedGlass plugin
I left them an issue: TheAzack9/FrostedGlass#5

I found another workaround. It will be implemented in v2.0