
Compilation of etcd-aws-cfn fails

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Per the documentation, I ran "go install ./..." in the project directory to install the etcd-aws-cfn tool. I got this error:

go install ./...
aws/health.go:24: cannot use cloudformation.String("1") (type *cloudformation.St
ringExpr) as type *cloudformation.IntegerExpr in field value
aws/health.go:33: cannot use cloudformation.String("60") (type *cloudformation.S
tringExpr) as type *cloudformation.IntegerExpr in field value
aws/health.go:54: cannot use cloudformation.String("1") (type *cloudformation.St
ringExpr) as type *cloudformation.IntegerExpr in field value
aws/health.go:63: cannot use cloudformation.String("300") (type *cloudformation.StringExpr) as type *cloudformation.IntegerExpr in field value

I replaced cfn.String with cfn.Integer in health.go, and compilation succeeded. I am going to test to make sure the tool works as expected, then I'll submit a pull request.

Excellent, thanks!

This is due to upstream changes in go-cloudformation which is in turn due to upstream changes AWS have made in their definition of the CFN schema, so you're on the right track.