- 1
Upgrade to use golang-jwt v5
#536 opened by mbassov - 2
How to support multiple idp?
#560 opened by coldcodefire - 2
Feature: IDP metadata URL should not be mandatory
#552 opened by svennjegac - 0
`saml:Assertion` is not found without a namespace
#578 opened by LauraBeatris - 1
Response Destination Validation - Query Strings
#525 opened by dlpetrie - 2
can't figure out how to implement IDP initiated from IDP (for writing tests)
#564 opened by rubensayshi - 0
- 0
[Question] Why the Redirect function doesn't handle the error when parsing an URL
#571 opened by ervitis - 0
- 1
- 0
encrypt use pkcs1v5
#568 opened by sy2339226 - 7
bug: make logout request need add signature logic if `sp.SignatureMethod` is not empty.
#550 opened by ronething - 0
[Update Request] Update Project EOL component
#563 opened by anurag-deshpande - 0
How to log in by clicking on my app via Okta app?
#558 opened by meftunca - 0
Externalize Login form
#557 opened by avinashdhanshetty - 0
Fail to authenticate on AzureAD when creating signed MakeAuthenticationRequest
#556 opened by yvgenycyolo - 0
- 1
Is this project still maintained?
#531 opened by zacharyarnaise - 0
Why is the default SP signing algorithm SHA1
#541 opened by fortenforge - 0
ADFS HTTP-Artifact Signature
#535 opened by egonk - 0
- 2
- 1
[question] idp example
#530 opened by aldinokemal - 0
Azure SAML2.0 not surport
#527 opened by lzg553665176 - 0
Support multiple IdPs
#524 opened by gravgaard - 0
Add missing validation of logout request functions
#523 opened by Lunkentuss - 2
- 2
metadata has a blank NameIDFormat
#505 opened by lorodoes - 0
Customize request tracker cookie path
#513 opened by watercraft - 0
idp example: failed to validate request: EOF
#507 opened by aep - 0
Logout request is missing SessionIndex element
#504 opened by jza0330 - 0
Caddy module for saml sso (via crewjam/saml)
#497 opened by drio - 2
- 1
- 0
Using KMS instead of a X.509 key pair for SP
#487 opened by OscarVanL - 8
Unable to go get samlidp package
#448 opened by casebrophy - 0
TestSPRejectsMalformedResponse fails on go1.20
#485 opened by zhsj - 7
Error in schema.go
#461 opened by marcidelux - 2
Status of this repository?
#473 opened by hf - 1
ParseXMLResponse panics if empty XML is provided
#468 opened by symtor - 1
Fixing security adviseries
#479 opened by adirook - 3
Artifact response handling fails in 4.10.0
#471 opened by davidv1992 - 0
- 1
Infinity Redirect /idp-login <-> /acs And KCFError
#460 opened by meftunca - 0
- 1
SAML NameID Format cannot change
#441 opened by yzyunzhang - 1
Bump goxmldsig to 1.2.0
#436 opened by lafriks - 0
How to make assertion without samlRequest? I want to do a idp-initiated saml server
#440 opened by yzyunzhang - 1
Redirect after authentication
#439 opened by dubonzi - 0
The AuthnContextClassRef in RequestedAuthnContext can have more than one element.
#438 opened by lucasbbb