unknown cause for problems with current formulae
r0lan opened this issue · 4 comments
There are no apparent problems during the installation. After starting the service, I get the popup message regarding the Accessibility API (as expected). I then restart the service, brew says it restarts fine, and nothing happens. Chunkwm isn't running, there's nothing in neither the out- or error-log. I've tried with both the "stable" and head version, as well as with both the plugin-directory solutions the package mentions.
Building manually from source works.
This is not a formula problem, nor an homebrew one.
Chunkwm core needs Accessibiliy API. Once you start chunkwm with brew services start chunkwm
, the chunkwm binary will ask for Accessibility API.
If you build it from source and start it with your user from the terminal with something like ./bin/chunkwm
, the Accessibility API is inherited from your Terminal and user.
What you need to do is
brew services start chunkwm
Add accessibility API for chunkwm binary (you will find it inside the Accessibility API window, just tick the box)
brew services stop chunkwm
brew services start chunkwm
From now on, chunkwm will have accessibility API allowed.
This process will need to be done EVERY time you update the chunkwm binary. This is how OSX works, there is nothing we can do to automate it.
I already use homebrew's services, sorry I didn't include this detail in my original issue.
I haven't tried installing chunkwm with the most recent version of your formula, I'll update the issue when I get to try it out.
@r0lan ok, than it is definitely another problem which was caused by an overflow and has been fixed upstream with version v0.2.11: https://github.com/koekeishiya/chunkwm/issues/118
You should be good with latest version. Tell me if it still does not work for you.
That does definately seem like the source of my problems, well done finding that stack overflow!
I'll assume the problem is gone and close the issue.