Home Assistant Southeastern Rail Card by @crismc

A custom Home Assistant card for the Lovelace theme to show next available trains to specific stops through the National Rail Darwin API. To be used with the Home Assistant custom component ha_southeasternrail (https://github.com/crismc/ha_southeasternrail)


alt text

Based on the community driven boilerplate of best practices for Home Assistant Lovelace custom cards (Boilerplate Card by @iantrich https://github.com/custom-cards/boilerplate-card)


Name Type Requirement Description Default
type string Required custom:southeastern-rail-card
name string Optional Card name based on entity none
show_error boolean Optional Show error message such as no service data true
show_warning boolean Optional Show station alert messages true
show_via_destination boolean Optional Show if train goes via an alternate route true
show_callingpoints boolean Optional Show train service calling stops true
show_status boolean Optional Show service status (e.g. On Time, Delayed etc) true
show_arrival_time boolean Optional Show train service arrival time at destination true
show_departure_time boolean Optional Show train service departure time from primary station true
entity string Optional Home Assistant entity ID. none

Installing the card from source

Step 1

Clone the repository to your machine

Step 2

Install necessary modules (verified to work in node 8.x) yarn install or npm install

Step 3

Do a test lint & build on the project. You can see available scripts in the package.json npm run build

Step 4

Copy content of <project_dir>/dist to your Home Assistant instance /www/ha_southeastern-rail-card If directories do not exist, create them.

Step 5

Go to Settings > Dashboards, click the three dots menu in the top right and select Resources. If you do not have the three dots, you will need to temporarily enable "Advanced Mode" within Profile

Step 6

Choose "Add Resource" and enter the following: URL: /local/ha_southeastern-rail-card/southeastern-rail-card.js Resource Type: JavaScript Module

Step 7

If you created the /www directory, restart Home Assistant (Developer Tools > Restart)