
A mathematical pattern generator written in Uiua

MIT LicenseMIT

Uabble (Pronounced "Wobble")

License: MIT


This is a fun little experiment in creating a mid-size project in the Uiua language. When run, it procedurally generates noisy, weird images that can sometimes be quite pretty. Honestly, it's a real toss-up on what you get. I find that keeping the GridModulus setting at around 25% of the image dimension is helpful for getting clearer images on average.


This program is written in Uiua, so you will need to install that to use this.


Usage could not be more straightforward:

$ git clone https://github.com/jtrieb1/uabble.git
$ cd uabble
$ uiua run

After executing uiua run, the image will be placed in the renders folder.

You may want to change a few of the helpfully-labeled settings in main.ua prior to running Uabble.


See the examples directory for some sample outputs from this program. Unfortunately, I did not save what parameters were used to create them. Mistakes were made.


I don't see why you'd necessarily want to, but feel free to put in a pull request if you like.


Covered under the MIT license. I just think this is neat, do whatever you want.