
[Bug] [helper/islandhelper] Dynamic Island Doesn't Function on Macs with Intel Chips

Closed this issue · 14 comments

There appears to be no functionality after installing on my 27" iMac after following all the directions and making sure everything is updated. I'm on the latest public version of macOS Ventura. Any ideas?

There appears to be a bug in which the dynamic island doesn't function the first time you run it after the installation. Have you perhaps tried to restart the entire sketchybar by brew services restart sketchybar?

I have, I even restarted and tried it on a different device. Still won't work. Both running latest Ventura release.

Can you try the newest commit? I think it might've been the notification being enabled (without it being implemented properly). I've disabled notifications by default now. If that doesn't work, could you perhaps stop the service using brew (brew services stop sketchybar) and run sketchybar from the command line (by just typing sketchybar)? Tell me if there are any errors.

Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 2 14 04 PM

After stopping the service and starting it again, I got the request to access "Music," however, then I got the error in the screenshot above.

I've added a new line in the sketchybarrc.example file that automatically builds the islandhelper program manually. I believe this will resolve this compatibility issue. You can either completely reinstall (by removing the entire sketchybar config folder), or add the new line from sketchybarrc.example manually (the line consists of "make").
If the issue still persists, let me know.

I don't see the error anymore when starting sketchy bar, but instead I see a new error:
Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 2 29 14 PM

This is because you already have a sketchybar instance running in the background. If you've started sketchybar using homebrew, you can stop sketchybar by brew services stop sketchybaror killall sketchybar.

Same error is back.
Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 2 32 29 PM

Edit: It is already updated. Double checked.

Note: It starts correctly using the brew services start sketchybar command but doesn't function, and doesn't start at all when using just sketchybar in the terminal.

It seems like the islandhelper must be built again on a different CPU architecture (I've built the binary on a system with Apple Silicon). Could you try deleting islandhelper file by: rm ~/.config/sketchybar/plugins/Dynamic-Island-Sketchybar/helper/islandhelper and start sketchybar again? You may need to stop sketchybar and then start again for it to function.

It works now! However, only when launching via the brew services start sketchybar command, running sketchybar in the terminal results in the following error:
Screenshot 2022-11-13 at 4 28 18 AM

Here's my Intel island helper file (compressed to ZIP file for GitHub support):

It works now! However, only when launching via the brew services start sketchybar command, running sketchybar in the terminal results in the following error

This doesn't seem like an error for me. It should work as intended

i'm on 13 m1, tried suggestions but just got a black islandbar, not working