
Sketchybar goes haywire

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I also have a Macbook Pro 14inch so the issue isn't with the notch but rather that the islands flicker on and off. The size of the islands also changes constantly.

It looks like the bar size is is too small. The bar size should be exactly 32. Are you using the sketchybarrc file included in the repo?

The size of the islands also changes constantly.

This is a bug that's most likely occurring when the dynamic island is trying to displaying something else while it's displaying something. It's on to do list to fix this behavior.

Edit: fix formatting

Same here. I've set the height to 32 but the island still flickering except when I restarted the sketchybar. But still its a cool tweak tho.

Device: MBP 2021 14"

Disabled all configurations on /plugins/dynamic_island/ and the music pop up works perfectly.

Hmm, this seems to be a bigger problem that I originally expected. I do have a solution in mind, which is to queue the different "dynamic island features" so that only one item can access the island at a time. As mentioned earlier, it seems like the flickering and the glitching is happening due to more than one item accessing the island at the same time. I'll be implementing a solution tomorrow.

420da33 might fix the flickering issue and resizing issue, as it only allows one feature to take over the SketchyBar.
Please note that you will have to perform a manual update (basically going through the installation process again after deleting the ~/.config/sketchybar folder). I will be implementing a proper update system soon...

This doesn't seem like an issue anymore, especially after the implementation of helper program. Closing this issue for now.