
[request] Total storage by type and some others

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Well first, great job on this app :)

I tested some complex and the "problems" i can point out are:

  • A list of storage selected / needed per type in Station Summary
  • Posibility to tweek production efficiency by group of production module
  • A select with search option input for the list of module
  • A list of the Station Modules that produce the ware on the ware detail page
  • Add "Per Hour" on the Station Ressources column
  • Posibility to mark ressource as "not for sale" or select the final ressource to sell

If I had some free time i would look into it myself but unfortunatly that won't be the case soon, so i leave it too you to decide what to implement or not :) and sorry for the bad english ^^

Thanks for the feedback. Here's some thoughts:

  • A list of storage selected / needed per type in Station Summary
    Not sure how to calculate this. It's a highly requested feature, I'll see what I can come up with.
  • Posibility to tweek production efficiency by group of production module.
    _I don't think you can actually change the efficiency yourself within a station. The calculator itself distribuites the workers, similar with what the game does. How would be this helpful?
  • A select with search option input for the list of module.
    Good point.
  • A list of the Station Modules that produce the ware on the ware detail page
    Good point.
  • Add "Per Hour" on the Station Resources column.
    This is how it's currently calculated and displayed. Do you mean just to add the text (per hour)?

For the simple one:

  • Posibility to tweek production efficiency by group of production module.
    _Sorry didn't notice that efficiency already taken into account the workforce.
  • Add "Per Hour" on the Station Resources column.
    Yep I mean just to add the text (per hour)?, also it would be good to specify the efficiency on "Products per Hour" on the wares page table.

And the complex one:

For what I read on reddit station tend to have a maximum storage capacity to let run factory unattented for 6h to 9h, so to be safe taking a base of 12h seems good.

I don't really know if it's overkill or not yet.

You could also make a soft and hard line, between 6h and 12h in orange and 12h+ in green.

I would calculate it like that for final product:
nb_module x ware_per_hour x ware_efficiency x ware_volume x unattented_hour

For food rations in my exemple it would be: 3 x 4920 x 1.25 x 1 x 12 = 221400 m3

To put it in an pratical exemple, here my food & Medical complex that would supply all other complex I would do:
1x Argon L Habitat
1x Argon S Habitat
3x Food Ration Production
6x Argon Medical Supply Production
1x Wheat Production
1x Spice Production
1x Meat Production
1x Water Production
1x Energy Cell Production

Ice: 922k m3 of Solid Storage
Energy Cells: 180k m3 of Container Storage
Water: 99k m3 of Container Storage
Meat: 169k m3 of Container Storage
Spices: 145k m3 of Container Storage
Wheat: 199k m3 of Container Storage
Food Rations: 222k m3 of Container Storage
Medical Supplies: 266k m3 of Container Storage

922k m3 of Solid Storage (1x Argon L Solid Storage => 1000k)
1280k m3 of Container Storage (1x Argon L Container Storage + 3x Argon M Container Storage => 1300k)

Well I say 12h but 9h would also be good and I'm not sure about the Ice (solid ware in general).

I'm not playing a lot so I can't really check between a planned complex and an actual complex in game.

Came here to suggest storage required as well - it's something that would benefit the tool hugely and bring it to the next level.

Since we already know output and input values in quantity, if the "storage size" of each ware and resource is added to the database too, it would be fairly trivial to calculate storage required for a production cycle both input/output wise.
A slider (default set to 2 hours, as that seems a common suggestion) where people can increase the number of production cycles they want worth of storage, would then make this fairly straight forward and very flexible.

This would make station planning much more convenient :)

An objection to

Total: 922k m3 of Solid Storage (1x Argon L Solid Storage => 1000k) 1280k m3 of Container Storage (1x Argon L Container Storage + 3x Argon M Container Storage => 1300k)

The correct output would be 2x Argon L Container Storage ...
because "2x Argon M Container Storage" require more material than a single "Argon L Container Storage" !