[Bug] Scrap Recycler + Scrap Processor
Opened this issue · 3 comments
The Scrap Recycler matches with their "normal" production module counterparts from the page, but they differ vastly in game. And the Scrap Processor doesn't show anything at all.
Found some infos in the game files, maybe it helps:
<!-- Processing Modules -->
<module id="processing_gen" group="processing_gen">
<category ware="scrapmetal" tags="[processing, module]" race="[argon, paranid, split, teladi]" faction="[teladi, ministry, hatikvah, alliance, scaleplate]" />
<!-- Recycling Modules -->
<!--Very generic definition without faction data so faction selects it, but can be referenced directly-->
<module id="recycling_gen" group="recycling_gen">
<category tags="[recycling, module]" />
<ware id="rawscrap" name="{20201,6801}" description="{20201,6802}" group="refined" transport="solid" volume="10" tags="processed recycling solid">
<price min="153" average="180" max="207" />
<icon active="ware_scrapmetal" video="ware_scrapmetal_macro" />
<ware id="scrapmetal" name="{20201,6601}" description="{20201,6602}" factoryname="{20201,6604}" group="refined" transport="solid" volume="10" tags="economy recycling solid">
<price min="318" average="375" max="431" />
<production time="60" amount="1" method="processing" name="{20206,1301}" tags="noplayerbuild recycling">
<ware ware="energycells" amount="10" />
<ware ware="rawscrap" amount="1" />
<icon active="ware_scrapmetal" video="ware_scrapmetal_macro" />
My guess for the wrong values for the Scrap Recycler is that the result wares (claytronics + hullparts) are not seperate production wares, but they are included in the base production of each ware (claytronics example from the wares.xml):
<ware id="claytronics" name="{20201,501}" description="{20201,502}" factoryname="{20201,504}" group="shiptech" transport="container" volume="24" tags="container economy stationbuilding">
<price min="1734" average="2040" max="2346" />
<production time="900" amount="108" method="default" name="{20206,101}">
<ware ware="antimattercells" amount="100" />
<ware ware="energycells" amount="140" />
<ware ware="microchips" amount="160" />
<ware ware="quantumtubes" amount="100" />
<effect type="work" product="0.34" />
<production time="300" amount="60" method="recycling" name="{20206,1101}" tags="noplayerbuild recycling">
<ware ware="energycells" amount="12000" />
<ware ware="scrapmetal" amount="300" />
<effect type="work" product="0.34" />
<icon active="ware_claytronics" video="ware_claytronics_macro" />
Rather than start another bug issue I like to report that the Scrap Processes is not filled out on the Energy Cells, apparently it doesn't need them on your calculator, when in game it does.
Great site by the way, loving it.
You need 10 Energy Cells for 1 Scrap.
One Processor can scrap 9.000 Raw Scrap every h
With a (hopefully) full capacity utilization of the Processor you should add 90,000 Energy Cells/h for every added Scrap Processor.
Then you should get results that are close to the actual energy cell consumption
alternatively you could add a field where ppl can add their own Raw Scrap presumed delivery
also the Production Per Hour values for the Recycler are wrong.
It has a production cycle that changes every 5 minutes
1,200 Hull Parts/h and then 360 Claytronics/h
6 Cycles each Product
But it shows :
Hull Parts | 2,400
Claytronics | 720
The quantities shown in the calculator are those for a 100% production of one Product.
But every Product only gets 50% unless you set the Store amount for it to 1.
Same for Energy Cells
it should be 93,000/h not 186,000/h
Scrap Metal usage is also doubled
It should be 2,250/h