Phone Warehouse


A classic SpringBoot REST application to simulate a warehouse of phones with a H2 in-mem database. The database is

App Components

  1. A REST API controller exposing next 3 endpoints
  1. A service layer WarehouseDirectory
  2. 2 repositories for JDBC database operations. PhoneRepository and BookingRepository
  3. 2 domain models
  4. Database layer: H2 in mem. The initialization scripts are stored in schema.sql and data.sql and are called at each app (re)start as long as the H2 is used as an in-memory database.
  5. 3 Intellij run configuration are provided.
  6. Test components are configured to support unit tests as well as integration tests. Just for demo purposes, for PhoneController, were provided a unit tests + an integration test.

Getting Started

Maven is used to build the artifacts. To test the app invoke in a terminal: mvn clean test

To run the app in a terminal: mvn clean spring-boot:run

To run/test the app in IntelliJ IDEA:

  • IntelliJ should be pickup the next shared run configurations

    • app :: run - in memory H2 db
    • app :: run :: dev - file H2 db (stored in _local_/data)
    • app :: test :: all - to run all tests directly in IDE
    • test :: app - to run all test with maven in IDE

To run http operations against the app a scratch file was shared in _local_/warehouse.http file. Change params accordingly in order to use the API