
Personal project in iOS development using Swift 5, MVC architecture, Core Data, Notification Center, UIKit, XCTest, and the Xcode Storyboard. This native iOS e-commerce application deals with updating a shopping cart.

Primary LanguageSwift

(Swift 5, iOS 16): MVC, Core Data, Notification Center, UIKit & XCTest


Shopping App

This app contains:

  • A UITabBarController where the app is embedded into.
  • 2 UINavigationControllers
  • 4 UIViewControllers
  • 1 Storyboard
  • 1 Launchscreen
  • XCTests
  • Assets (App icon, buttons and 1 launchscreen image)

Root Controller -> UITabBarController:

  • This View Controller has 2 child UINavigationControllers which produce 2 TabBarItems.
  • Delegate for ProductOverviewViewController and CartViewController.
  • It handles getting the product objects from the JSON file to be used through out the app.
  • It handles Shopping Cart data storage in CoreData.

TabBarItem 1 - View Controller Stack:

1. Top View Controller -> ProductOverviewViewController:

  • Organizes the products into collections of the same type of product.
  • Displays the collections on a UICollectionView.
  • Delegate for ProductCatalogViewController.
  • Contains a segue to ProductCatalogViewController.

2. ProductCatalogViewController:

  • Receives the product list from a user-selected collection type.
  • Displays the list of products on a UICollectionView.
  • Can add a product to the Shopping Cart from each UICollectionViewCell.
  • Delegate for ProductPageViewController.
  • Contains a segue to ProductPageViewController.

3. ProductPageViewController:

  • Receives a single user-selected product.
  • Displays the product's information inside a UIScrollView.
  • Can add the product to the Shopping Cart from the Add To Cart button.

TabBarItem 2:

Top View Controller -> CartViewController:

  • Sets up an observer to update its Shopping Cart data and UI when ProductCatalogViewController and ProductPageViewController add a new product to the Shopping Cart.
  • Displays the products from the Shopping Cart on a UITableView.
  • The user can change the quantity of each product (+ || -) through a UIPickerView.
  • The user can remove each product from the Shopping Cart.
  • The total price of all the products in the Shopping Cart is always visible to the user at the bottom of the screen.

Other features:

  • The UI adapts to light and dark modes.
  • Language localization setup (Spanish included as a starter).
  • Currency formatter to Locale for Strings.