
New Markdown Engine Breaks discourse-image-gallery

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I check in New Markdown Engine have a code removed

-import { registerOption } from 'pretty-text/pretty-text';
 -function insertDetails(_, summary, details) {
 -  return `<details><summary>${summary}</summary>${details}</details>`;
 -// replace all [details] BBCode with HTML 5.1 equivalent
 -function replaceDetails(text) {
 -  text = text || "";
 -  while (text !== (text = text.replace(/\[details=([^\]]+)\]((?:(?!\[details=[^\]]+\]|\[\/details\])[\S\s])*)\[\/details\]/ig, insertDetails)));
 -  // add new lines to make sure we *always* have a <p> element after </summary> and around </details>
 -  // otherwise we can't hide the content since we can't target text nodes via CSS
 -  return text.replace(/<\/summary>/ig, "</summary>\n\n")
 -             .replace(/<\/details>/ig, "\n\n</details>\n\n");
 -registerOption((siteSettings, opts) => {
 -  opts.features.details = true;

I think this is the cause.