
Crash when using `Alchmey.Client.create_channel/3`

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The app crashes when trying to use Alchmey.Client.create_channel/3. The channel is created though, but I can't take the results from the function. The reason is that Discord's response is status code 201, and there is no pattern match for this.

Error message:

iex(6)> result = Alchemy.Client.create_channel(id, "test")
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Alchemy.Discord.RateLimits.rate_info/1    
    The following arguments were given to Alchemy.Discord.RateLimits.rate_info/1:
        # 1
          body: "{\"id\": \"_hidden\", \"last_message_id\": null, \"type\": 0, \"name\": \"test\", \"position\": 26, \"parent_id\": \"_hidden\", \"guild_id\": \"_hidden\"}",
          headers: _hidden,
          request: %HTTPoison.Request{
            body: _body,
            headers: [
              {"X-RateLimit-Precision", "millisecond"},
              {"Content-Type", "application/json"},
               "Bot _hidden_"},
               "DiscordBot (, 0.6.0)"}
            method: :post,
            options: [],
            params: %{},
            url: ""
          request_url: "",
          status_code: 201
    Attempted function clauses (showing 3 out of 3):
        def rate_info(%{status_code: 204})
        def rate_info(%{status_code: 200, headers: h})
        def rate_info(%{status_code: 429, headers: h, body: body})
    (alchemy 0.6.5) lib/Discord/rate_limits.ex:24: Alchemy.Discord.RateLimits.rate_info/1
    (alchemy 0.6.5) lib/Discord/api.ex:127: Alchemy.Discord.Api.handle_response/2
    (alchemy 0.6.5) lib/Discord/rate_manager.ex:37: Alchemy.Discord.RateManager.process_req/3

You should regenerate your bot token if you haven’t already since it was included in the error log.

Ops! Thanks for warning me @curz46