
on_guild_join handler is not getting called (close to all of the time)

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Im having issues with adding a handler to on_guild_join.
I added a debug statement to def handle("GUILD_CREATE", guild) do in lib/Discord/events.ex and that function is getting hit.
I also added a debug statement to defmacro on_guild_join(func) do in lib/events.ex and it is not getting hit
The code im using is as follows (plus the bot initialization, i have it also listening to messages and other events and those are working).

defmodule Debugging do
  use Alchemy.Events
  require Logger
  def manage_guild(guild) do
    Logger.debug("Bot Joined a Guild: #{}")

While trying some different things and debugging, I have seen the "Joined a guild " message twice in 50 tries, and im not too sure why that is. I am doing a bit of initial development and thus starting up the process and killing it with ctrl + c many times.

The event does not fire when both starting up the bot with guilds joined, and also when telling the bot when joining a new server.
The events do not fire after killing the program and waiting a few minutes for the bots to show as offline in the guilds.
The events do not fire after killing the program and starting it back up again.

I appreciate any information y'all can provide, im still relatively new to elixir so I might have missed something obvious.


As expected, this was an issue on my end. I was not handling on_guild_online, which was the event getting thrown in this case.