
Some tests fails on i686-linux-android

malbarbo opened this issue · 3 comments

Test support for i686-linux-android was added in #132. When the tests are run without qemu if fails with:

thread '<unnamed>' panicked at 'assertion failed: signal(libc::SIGPIPE, libc::SIG_IGN) != libc::SIG_ERR', /checkout/src/libstd/sys/unix/

Running the tests with qemu allows the cross tests to pass, for this reason qemu is used. But the error still happens some times, we need to investigate why this happen.

Hey @malbarbo, What would your suggested fix for this be? I'm not sure I fully grok the issue.

The target i686-linux-android produces binaries that can be directly executed in an amd64 processor, but doing so fails with the reported message. I don't known why. Executing the binaries with qemu, works, but it sometimes fails with other errors.

Closing since there's no better solution than adding Qemu and native runners for these images, since we won't ship with a full Android emulator.