
Travis CI reports “Expected - Waiting for status to be reported”

oberstet opened this issue · 6 comments

From that page

To fix this issue, update your repositories using protected branches to require GitHub Checks as follows:

    Go to the repository’s Branch Settings page ( 101).
    In the “Branch Protection Settings” section, click “Edit” for a protected branch
    Scroll down to the second box, “Require status checks to pass before merging.” Select either “Travis CI - Pull Request” or “Travis CI - Branch” or both. (Note: “continuous-integration/travis-ci” is the Status API event which is deprecated)
    Save your changes

thx for digging this out!

done - lets see if it works before closing;)

Screenshot from 2020-03-19 16-58-17

@oberstet I think we need to disable Travis CI - Branch for things to work ?

Select either “Travis CI - Pull Request” or “Travis CI - Branch” or both.

aren't both needed, as we want to trigger on "master branch" and on PRs?

not sure .. here is ABPy settings:

Screenshot from 2020-03-19 22-23-36

I think our integration of ABPy and Travis uses an older method compared to the one here ... which I simply created by accepting all defaults when "create integration" .. but this is a new repo, might be they deprecated the old method

  • moved the CI from com to org
  • changed settings to:

Screenshot from 2020-03-19 23-52-28

Screenshot (3)
i can't see travis ci option