math.type: Required value: math transform type is required - type Multiplay is missing
Closed this issue · 5 comments
pld p&t:
- math:
multiply: 1024
type: math
crossplane-migrator new-pipeline-composition -i database/sqlinstance/composition-mariadb.yaml -o xx.yaml
after migration:
- math:
multiply: 1024
type: math
crossplane: error: cannot render composite resource: pipeline step "patch-and-transform" returned a fatal result: invalid Function input: resources[0].patches[3].transforms[0].math.type: Required value: math transform type is required
- math:
multiply: 1024
type: Multiply
type: math
mhm but looks correct in the code:
I'll take a look
@haarchri where was the patch located? In my testing, the environment patch wasn't updated but the patchset and resource were.
- environment patch
- patchset patch
- resource patch
I think I see the issue, I'm not processing environment patches.
yes it was related with environment patches - sorry not add this information - was late during composition migrations ;)