
Local insecure registry for oci based helm charts?

ramarnat opened this issue · 5 comments

What happened?

I have setup a local registry based on the instructions here -

When setting the helm chart properties, using oci (the registry was loaded with the oci pkg):

          namespace: cp
            name: foo-operator
            repository: oci://registry:5000
            version: "1.7.0"
          insecureSkipTLSVerify: true

I have tried a bunch of different options, but none of them work. If we use a named registry the provider tries to use https:// , and produces this error:

 DEBUG   events  Warning {"object": {"kind":"Release","name":"foo","uid":"84508856-0b77-45a8-abee-2f898f7e0a7c","apiVersion":"","resourceVersion":"8476"}, "reason": "CannotCreateExternalResource", "message": "failed to install release: failed to login to registry: Get \"https://registry:5000/v2/\": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client"}

In kind the configuration for skipping tls is also set:

            insecure_skip_verify = true
          endpoint = ["", ""]
          endpoint = ["http://registry:5000", "oci://registry:5000"]

How can we reproduce it?

  1. Create a local registry following
  2. Upload an oci helm chart
  3. Use the oci helm chart from a composition

What environment did it happen in?

Crossplane version:

Chart Name: crossplane
Chart Description: Crossplane is an open source Kubernetes add-on that enables platform teams to assemble infrastructure from multiple vendors, and expose higher level self-service APIs for application teams to consume.
Chart Version: 1.9.0
Chart Application Version: 1.9.0

Kube Version: v1.25.0

It appears as though you can perform a login to an insecure registry, but you cannot pull from an insecure registry.

If I do not provide credentials, the error message is as follows:

create failed: failed to install release: failed to login to registry: Get "http://registry:5000/v2/": no basic auth credentials

When credentials are provided, it appears to perform the login without issue, but errors on the pull:

 failed to install release: failed to pull chart: failed to do request: Head "https://registry:5000/v2/helm-charts/mychart/manifests/1.0.0": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

I do not know go, but it seems as though, the InsecureSkipTLSverify bool is not being passed to the Pull client.

Looks like this may not even be possible until this is merged?

Looks like this MR adds the missing functionality:

jbw976 commented

Related to #202

I'm hoping this is either possible or closer to possible now that #202 has been resolved. If someone wants to try this scenario out and take it to the finish line if needed, that could be a welcome contribution 🙇

This probably does solve it, but I am not working with the original product that required having this issue resolved.