
Kubelogin dependency - unknown revision

malins opened this issue · 2 comments


in your go.mod file, you have the following dependency: v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000

When trying to open a project with a dependency to provider-kubernetes, I get the following error:

$ go list -m all
go: invalid version: unknown revision 000000000000

Thanks for reporting this @malins! Looks like that version is overridden later on with a replace statement at the end of the go.mod file:

  • What version of go do you have? I wasn't seeing this just now when I tried go list -m all myself
  • Does it change if you run go mod tidy?
  • Does this impact any functionality for you and can you successfully build locally with make?

I'm using go 1.22, but the error also occurs with go 1.21.

Please note that i'm executing the command on a module with a dependency to provider-kubernetes, not on provider-kubernetes directly.

My workaround is to declare a dependency to kubelogin with a proper version in my module directly, which overrides the bogus version from provider-kubernetes.