
Inline code is getting truncated

ocrickard opened this issue · 4 comments

Fantastic project! I'm working on converting a book that we had previously written in InDesign back to markdown, and it looks like the default PDF formatting is resulting in incorrect layout:

screen shot 2017-09-29 at 9 01 25 am

Here's the example paragraph in the screenshot if you want to test this:

A good way to think about the difference between this method and `didUpdateComponent` is that `didMount` is an opportunity for configuration of the **view**, while `didUpdateComponent` and `initWithComponent:` is about configuring the **controller itself**. The one major exception is that `initWithComponent:` is called on a background thread, so it’s common to wait for the first mounting to complete configuration that had to be done on the main thread. This is something we’d like to fix.

Any chance of a new release on cargo?

I'm currently changing quite a few things in the master branch, but once it is done and it has been tested a bit I will probably release 0.14.0 soon-ishly :)

Actually, I just published 0.14.0-beta to Obviously not very tested/polished though.

Great, thank you!