
Crash on startup at LocalLocalizationExtractor.localizedString(for:)

samchanLLM opened this issue · 9 comments

Describe the bug
After we turned the Crowdin OTA feature on our apps, we have seen quite a number of crashes on Firebase, all pointing to LocalLocalizationExtractor.localizedString(for:), which is a file in CrowdinSDK

For example here
Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 11 36 32 AM

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • We weren't able to reproduce on our side.
  • Since Firebase reported 88% of the crash events was happened in the first 5 seconds of a user's session, we suspect it was during the app launch.
  • This crash did not happen until we turned the Crowdin OTA feature on.

Expected behavior
Should not crash on the SDK side.

Code for setting up the Crowdin, it will be called in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in AppDelegate
Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 11 49 59 AM

Additional context
We would like to know why this crash will happen, and how to fix it, so we can use this SDK in our production app.

Hello! Thanks, checking

Hi @samchanLLM!
Could you please share the full SDK initialization part (in the AppDelegate.swift file) and your distribution hash? It will be better to share this data using the contact form with mention of this issue.

Hi @samchanLLM! Could you please share the full SDK initialization part (in the AppDelegate.swift file) and your distribution hash? It will be better to share this data using the contact form with mention of this issue.

just sent, thanks!

Hi @samchanLLM !

Thank you, we have received your message with the attached file!

We will let you know as soon as there are updates!

Hello, I want to update my description here. I did reproduce the crash I mentioned, and it seems it was due to Crowdin SDK try to get the localized string even if I didn't use NSLocalizedString function, one of the example was it crash when trying to display my username (which does not exist in the String file obviously)

Hope it helps!

Hi @samchanLLM ! replied in the email where you previously shared the file with us

Hello, may I know are there any updates?

Hi Sam! Sorry for the delay! Will ask the developers for the update and reach you back

Can't reproduce