
User Id passing to element

jordanmichaelrushing opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey, so first, this gem rocks! But I have one (hopefully simple), issue. Here is what I'm trying to do:
Send a message a user that is defined by entering their name into a auto complete text field. I have it set up and autocompleting the user that is being typed it, so that's fine. But I can't pull the user id associated with that name so it will send the message to that person. Here is my setup:

Here is the error I'm getting: User(#-631044648) expected, got String(#-595790298)

Any ideas to pass the autocomplete user id into the recipient id?

Got it. For anyone who has a similar issue, it was the User param in the controller. Check the gist for update. Turns out it was me being a goober.