
Rails 4 strong parameters

ethicalhack3r opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using rails3-jquery-autocomplete 1.0.14 with Rails 4.0.4 using strong parameters.

Here is an example of using the autocomplete in my view:

<%= f.label :wordpresses %> <%= f.autocomplete_field :wordpresses, autocomplete_wordpress_version_submits_path, 'data-delimiter' => ',', multiple: true %>

When submitting the form I get this error in my log:

Unpermitted parameters: wordpresses

Even though In have :wordpresses permitted in submit_params in my my controller.

This only occurs when I use 'data-delimiter' => ',', multiple: true, I suspect because we're now submitting an Array instead of a String which Rails 4 can't deal with by default?

Any suggestions on what changes I can make to make this work welcome. :)

I'm just starting to convert my first project over to Rails 4 that is using this gem. So far I have not run into this issue. Did you find a work around?

Unfortunately, I couldn't get it working for me on Rails 4. I decided to use which met my needs.

Ok; glad to hear you found something that worked for you.