1.0.11 was last release?
stevenvachon opened this issue · 2 comments
Is 1.0.14 going to be released? Using a git endpoint can be risky if the repo has unresolved issues.
I'm a little confused by your question. The last (and final) released version on this fork was 1.0.15 back in January of this year https://rubygems.org/gems/rails3-jquery-autocomplete/versions
As shown on the README.md I have officially forked over to https://github.com/bigtunacan/rails-jquery-autocomplete and changed the gem name to "rails-jquery-autocomplete" There have been 3 releases this year. This was some confusion where people were assuming only Rails 3 was supported and as I move towards Rails 4 and beyond I felt now was as good a time as any to clear that up.
I was confused by thistoo @bigtunacan and @stevenvachon. The last tagged release in github is 1.0.11, but now that I look over at rubygems, I see 1.0.15, so it looks like it's just the tag that's missing.