Team Observer REMOTE SECURITY SYSTEM To Run: have version of python 2.7.3 running on a different version of python may cause problems Please install the following libraries pika twisted picamera (maybe pre-installed) To setup the security system: connect raspberry pi camera board (from element 14) to the camera bus connect the motion sensor to the GPIO Pins red to power black to ground yellow io pin to raspberry pi GPIO pin reccomended to use external breadboard place the pi, cameras, and motion sensors around a local network Configuring the system config.txt: change the external IP field to the ip of the machine that will be hosting the server the local file directory that the path to store the video the non alerting times take '+' seperated bracketed lists of the time at which to not alert format: [day or week, 24 hr start time, 24 hr end time] these times can not span multiple days example: [monday, 9:00, 10:00] will not send alerts from 9:00AM to 10:00 AM on monday example: [monday, 9:00, 10:00]+[tuesday,9:00,10:00] will not send alerts from 9:00AM to 10:00 AM on monday and tuesday any following lines will include email address and user name as a comma seperated values i.e. email addres, user name example:, userName security nodes: for each security node, the local ip and port needs to be updated for each network AMQP publish messages in and Launch the server: to launch the webserver: in the direct the file is located run: python to launch the security client: in the directory the file is located run: python The Server process launches access to the webserver to access, in a browser, go to the externalIP listed in the config.txt file:8080 example: the browser needs to have the vlc plugin allowed the plugin can be downloaded from The securityClient process launches the processes that send email alerts and stream video These proceses must be launched first to see any activity on each security node: launch the command 'python &' then run crontab -e and add the following string to the bottom of the file "* * * * * python /path/to/file/" then exit crontab (ctrl x, y) execute 'sudo python' this process takes 60 seconds to stabilize YOUR SYSTEM SHOULD NOW BE RUNNING stream will be available approximately 30 seconds after the first health message is received to exit: python can be killed with ctrl c python can be killed with the following process ctrl z, ps, then 'kill -9 <the pid for python>' python pollForMotion can be killed with ctrl c crontab can be disabled by adding a '#' in front of the command python can be killed with ps, 'kill -9 <pid for python>'