
Converting issues

Opened this issue · 1 comments

jvblue commented

After a file has been converted using
mp3binder --output "01 - Let Me In.mp3" --tcopy 1 --tapply 'TIT2 = "01 - Let Me In"' .
or mp3binder --output "01 - Let Me In" --tcopy 1 --tapply 'TIT2 = "01 - Let Me In"' .
and I play it in Apple Music, I noticed that the time is not measured correctly. it is reading the time of the first file and not the combined files.
So I have loaded the file in VLC and the duration fluctuated and the time is not static. I notice that if i run ffmpeg -err_detect ignore_err -i "01 - Let Me In.mp3" -c copy "01 - Let Me In_fixed.mp3" it corrects the time issue with VLC, and it corrects the file when played in Apple Music.

Not sure if I am doing something wrong. Thank you

crra commented

Don't worry. You may not doing something wrong. Could be a rounding error. The code is pretty simple:
int64(float64(time.Millisecond) * (1000 / float64(frame.SamplingRate)) * float64(frame.SampleCount)) I need to look into it.