
Support Using Github Actions

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Thanks for your example repo.

Did you by chance know what to do/to omit when building and packaging the .EXE from within an GitHub action? From what I understand, when running on "windows-latest", you already get tools like appx in the virtual machine.


Hello Stefan,

I definitely need to update this project to use the latest things.

I don't have experience with GitHub actions but Azure DevOpts has templates for building APPX from visual studio solutions. It has a free layer so you can try it out.


Well, I am a Java Developer (under Linux) that uses the GraalVM plus Native Image to create compiled binaries out of Java applications for multiple plattforms (Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS (theoretically, need to make that work yet)) and have all my build chains set up based on GitHub Actions, so my .EXE is already created in Github Actions.
I could switch to Azure DevOps (in fact I tested that in 2019), but I would prefer to keep all build steps on a single platform.

But I think your project does give me enough hints to figure it out myself. It basically seems to consist of providing a manifest file and icons and calling makeappx and signtool from the script.


Please, if you see any improvements or make modifications, please make a Pull Request. I have hard times now to maintain it.