
Audio stream titles don't align with video titles.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When using archive and merging multiple videos together, the audio and subtitle have a value stating [Video: #<something>], however this number doesn't match with the actual video stream.
Command used: crunchy-cli archive '' -a en-US -a ja-JP
Expected behavior
The video and audio streams match:
For example:

  Stream #0:4(en-US): Subtitle: ass (ssa) (forced)
        title           : en-US (CC) [Video: #1]
  Stream #0:5(en-US): Subtitle: ass (ssa)
        title           : en-US [Video: #2]
  Stream #0:6(es-419): Subtitle: ass (ssa)
        title           : es-419 [Video: #2]
  Stream #0:7(pt-BR): Subtitle: ass (ssa)
        title           : pt-BR [Video: #2]

Actual outcome

  Stream #0:4(en-US): Subtitle: ass (ssa) (forced)
        title           : en-US (CC) [Video: #1]
  Stream #0:5(en-US): Subtitle: ass (ssa)
        title           : en-US [Video: #2]
  Stream #0:6(es-419): Subtitle: ass (ssa)
        title           : es-419 [Video: #3]
  Stream #0:7(pt-BR): Subtitle: ass (ssa)
        title           : pt-BR [Video: #4]

Notice the title field of the subtitles goes up to 4 where as only 2 videos exist
Same issue occurs with audio streams.
Video tracks:

  Stream #0:0: Video: h264
        title           : #1
  Stream #0:1: Video: h264
        title           : #2

Version used

  • OS: MacOS
  • Version: crunchy-cli 3.5.0 (8fff807 2024-04-19)

Thanks for reporting. Got fixed in v3.5.1