
[FEATURE?] Change syntax to match that of spaced rep? Semicolons

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello there. Awesome little plugin btw. Does what it says it's going to do, simple, and just works. Great job Marco @crybot ❤️

Just curious if there is a change I can do in the styles or main to use semicolons instead of colons?

  • Use " ;; " instead of ' :: '

I saw that you mentioned future releases may contain more customizations, so you probably already considered the above and also the multi line format... the one that uses the " ? " in between lines?

Thanks. It's not a major issue, as it is still usable and I don't really need to make any cards as of now anyways. But wanted to hear your thoughts on these.

crybot commented

Thank you @yarub123. Unfortunately that is still not an option, but I'm planning to implement this kind of customizations in the following days. If you have any more feature requests please let me know.

crybot commented

Inline flashcards separator customization is now available starting from version 0.0.4, while multiline flashcards will be coming soon.
Closing this for now.