
Cryogen does not list as a clojure project

LiGoldragon opened this issue · 2 comments

Since cryogen is mostly html, it doesn't show up when searching for language:clojure static site. I found it by accident, by searching clojure static site. I had been looking for months, but never saw cryogen until now. You could put the html in a different repo or branch.

The author and users of Cryogen seems to be doing something right.

Before checking the issues I started with "clojure static site generator" and Brave Search provided it as the first result. Now Bing and Google the same. Just got started on this without too much input to search personalization besides lots of mostly Brave searches on Clojure stuff so these are probably pretty generic results.

That said, then trying "language:clojure static site" to Google provided Cryogen as the 3rd result after (a build your own with Stasis) and a gaggle of Reddit results, I expect some degree of personalization is possible in that result. Fifth results is the couple of years old

That's a way to search GitHub.