Can't get no-dry-run to work
Closed this issue · 16 comments
I have installed backerei, which seems great app. I am running into issue when going into --no-dry-run
its ask for a pass and then nothing happens, no error no pass nothing. I think it's something in the config
fromAddress: xx
fromAccountName: xx
databasePath: /home/xx/.backerei.json
denominator: 10
numerator: 1
cycleLength: 4096
clientPath: /home/xx/.tezos-client
clientConfigFile: /home/xx/.tezos-client/config
startingCycle: 48
snapshotInterval: 256
bakerAddress: xx
port: 8732
i removed some parts for privacy... but the .tezos-client has only 3 files in it (public-key, public-key_hash and secret_keys)
also i am lost on the clientConfigFile i can't seem to find a right location (where do i need to point this out)
since payout works good i think it's just matter of small adjustment
FYI payout is being done by tz1 account it shouldn't be a problem i assume.. (it's different then baker address)
Payouts can be done by any account. Are you sure that you are indeed due to pay transactions?
In particular, does backerei payout
(a dry run) print out any transactions to be sent?
yeah backerei payout did calculate the rewards (if i run backerei payout now nothing happens)
i have been solo baking and the json file i see the correct rewards.. the solo baking is from cycle 48 and are released in tzscan... i was thinking maybe it's because i am solo baking but the json file says i get xx number reward (which is correct 10% value)
what are clientpath and clientconfigfile?
Client path specifies the full file path of the tezos-client
Client config file specifies the full file path of the tezos-client
configuration (which contains e.g. the remote node address).
you mean the path where the ./client-tezos to execute commands? which seems logical since with that command you can execute transactions
so that leave the config file, where is this normally situated? i looked everywhere but can't seem to find it?
also since cycle ended i did another backerei payout and get this
backerei payout
Enter source account password:
Updating DB with estimates for cycle 63...
Updating DB with actual earnings for cycle 57...
backerei: app/Payout.hs:56:19-92: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern [thisCycle]
i did fresh install, all updates goes good
also mention the address was not revealed (so i revealed it, also showing revaeled in tzscan)
still no-dry-run won't do anything also no feedback (succes or failure) i still think it has to do with client path and client config path
how far do is specify it tezos-client injects the paymens i assume do i write down /$home/tezos or $home/tezos/tezos-client
so link to the directory or also the client included?
i am playing also alot with config file do i need to reload the backerei or is it just edit the .backerei.yaml file enough?
my config.json looks like
{ "rpc": { "listen-addr": "" },
"p2p": { "listen-addr": "[::]:9732" } }
so i had remote nodes?
Normally the configuration file config
for the tezos-client
can be found here $HOME/.tezos-client/config
Can you post your backerei.yaml
file and your config
file here.
xx for security reasons
fromAddress: xx
fromAccountName: xx
databasePath: /home/xx/.backerei.json
denominator: 10
numerator: 1
cycleLength: 4096
clientPath: /home/xx/tezos/tezos-client
clientConfigFile: /home/xx/.tezos-node/config
startingCycle: 48
snapshotInterval: 256
bakerAddress: xx
port: 8732
note that in .tezos-client are only 3 documents
so i assume you need .tezos-node/config.json which contains
{ "rpc": { "listen-addr": "" },
"p2p": { "listen-addr": "[::]:9732" } }
i changed to this
clientPath: /home/xx/tezos
clientConfigFile: /home/xx/.tezos-node/config.json
this seems more logical also is there any type to check if backerei send dummy payments (to check if that works, rather then me debugging and waiting 15 cycles prior payment is being done?, 7 cycles before baking 7 cycles before unfrozen)...i don't mind making low dummy payments
ok running ./tezos-client client show gives
Warning: no config file at /home/xx/.tezos-client/config,
displaying the default configuration.
{ "base_dir": "/home/xx/.tezos-client", "node_addr": "localhost",
"node_port": 8732, "tls": false, "web_port": 8080, "confirmations": 0 }
so i created the config file... i have the correct path to the client.
i think the reason why the payments are not send is basicly i am solo mining (the baker will go live soon)
so lets say i pay the delegees.. and some where the payment node crashes and i rebuild so new .backerei.json is being created will backerei pay twice the delegees or does it keep track on blockchain if delegee is paid or not if it rebuilds means i have the backup the json file each cycle
too bad backerei does not give any input like no payments to be done or a failure or succes for that matter, so with this feedback we can make backerei even better...
I'm seeing the same thing with the pattern failing on the same line of code. I have the same confog file pretty much.
@issie81 seems like your clientConfigFile is wrong, it points to the node config and not to the client.
usually it's $HOME/.tezos-client/config
if you read my edit2 section you see i fixed that issue, can you confirm this is good values?
ok running ./tezos-client client show gives
Warning: no config file at /home/xx/.tezos-client/config,
displaying the default configuration.
{ "base_dir": "/home/xx/.tezos-client", "node_addr": "localhost",
"node_port": 8732, "tls": false, "web_port": 8080, "confirmations": 0 }
so my current config is
{ "base_dir": "/home/xx/.tezos-client", "node_addr": "localhost",
"node_port": 8732, "tls": false, "web_port": 8080, "confirmations": 0 }
do you have a node running on this machine? if you have then should be ready to go.
What cycle did start getting delegates? maybe there are no payments to make. if you did the payments by hand then I don't know if backerei sees them. For us backerei isn't working yet, so we have to do them by hand, so we change the starting cycle in .backerei.yaml
That was it for me! It was trying to process a cycle that had no rewards and no payouts, that's what threw the error:
backerei: app/Payout.hs:56:19-92: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern [thisCycle]
Yeah off course the node is on the machine, since 2 cycles there are new delegees ( i dont promote until i nailed the issue) so guess have ro wait and run continues run till gets payout..
You change cycle per payment but who sends the payment you by cli of backerei
Wish Bakcerei would give more input what is going on
backerei: app/Payout.hs:56:19-92: Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern [thisCycle]
I have seen this same error while rewards and payouts were pending on the blockchain. I am having the same exact issue as "issie81".
seems like massive issue's with Backerei, what are we doing wrong @adrianbrink devs?
i think i have backerei good now lets wait for the first payout:)
i start baking cycle 65 so payout is in cycle 73? 7+7?
Closing this issue since everything seems to be resolved; reopen if any errors recur.