- 1
- 0
Please consider upgrading the default hash function
#115 opened by Zemnmez - 2
The value "NaN" is invalid for option "size"
#93 opened by Cherviakov - 0
pbkdf2 failing on some development environments
#108 opened by craigaporter - 1
In the electronic application, when I start nodeintegration, the program appears default-encoding.js? 9f9d:10 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
#103 opened by hrm476 - 0
- 0
- 11
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined in browser.js line 22 prevails
#48 opened by philipstanislaus - 1
Issue in pbkdf2/lib/default-encoding.js
#97 opened by afaqRns - 5
Incompatibility with rn-nodeify
#96 opened by speedytec - 0
Uint8Array tests fail on s390x
#95 opened by rbalint - 1
pbkdf2.pbkdf2Sync('password', 'salt', 1, 32, 'sha512') returns array not string
#91 opened by smaldd14 - 6
version change from 3.0.7 to 3.1.0
#89 opened by GravesDXD - 5
DoS with long password
#82 opened by Sc00bz - 2
Allow using this library with Uint8Array
#79 opened by webmaster128 - 0
Can I decode it?
#86 opened by RudrikaFichadiya - 2
works on browser?
#84 opened by abhijithvijayan - 2
How to improve the performance
#83 opened by mesqueeb - 1
Ripemd160 throws when used
#78 opened by dcousens - 37
Performance worse than sjcl lib
#18 opened by rubensayshi - 1
Increase testing coverage
#37 opened by dcousens - 2
In 9.0.0, sha1 is not defaulted
#74 opened by dcousens - 11
Got undefined is not an object (evaluating 'crypto.pbkdf2Sync.toString') when import to react-native
#69 opened by dnson - 2
why we need to check crypto.pbkdf2Sync.toString() ?
#70 opened by dnson - 7
After update from 3.0.9 webpack error
#67 opened by Delagen - 15
Issues after 3.0.11 update
#64 opened by jdsirota - 6
Ability to use browser's native implementation
#52 opened by 0xjjpa - 1
- 3
#55 opened by calvinmetcalf - 1
Issue with microtime on windows after 3.0.11
#65 opened by kripergvg - 3
Make microtime a devDependency again
#63 opened by pirelenito - 0
Browser field no longer points to browser.js
#60 opened by dominykas - 2
- 10
3.0.6 upgrade completely broke some old code..
#45 opened by mkrn - 6
process.version in browser.js
#43 opened by neil-morrison44 - 6
Browser truncation results different
#40 opened by dcousens - 3
3.0.5 tag is present on, but missing here
#38 opened by Sjors - 26
Tests failing for Node 6
#34 opened by dcousens - 5
- 4
Node tests causing SEGV
#22 opened by dcousens - 1
Different result between nodejs and php
#30 opened by sgatu - 1
Badges don't show
#19 opened by dcousens - 5
#20 opened by StevenDoesStuffs - 5
different results on MacOSX and Debian
#17 opened by kerspoon - 1
Async browser-pbkdf2
#13 opened by bezreyhan - 10
Node pbkdf2 defaults to `ascii` encoding?
#11 opened by dcousens - 2
diffrent results in 0.10 and iojs
#9 opened by calvinmetcalf - 2
- 5
#6 opened by calvinmetcalf