
Moonlet Core - Wallet - Integration Tests

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Wallet integration tests


Wallet: constructed with parameters ( mnemonic, language = EN )

create one Ethereum account

  • should create first account
  • wallet should have 1 account
  • transfer value to account / validate both balances
  • transfer value to non payable fallback() contract / validate both balances
  • transfer value to low payable fallback() contract / validate both balances
  • transfer value to high payable fallback() contract / validate both balances

create two Ethereum accounts

  • should create first account
  • should create second account
  • wallet should have 2 accounts
  • transfer value from account 1 to account 2 validate both balances

create one Zilliqa accounts

  • should create first account
  • wallet should have 1 account
  • transfer value to account / validate both balances
  • transfer value to contract / validate both balances

create two Zilliqa accounts

  • should create first account
  • should create second account
  • wallet should have 2 accounts
  • transfer value from account 1 to account 2 validate both balances

create three Ethereum account

  • ethereum 1 - HD account
  • ethereum 2 - Loose account
  • ethereum 3 - Hardware account
  • transfer value from account 1 to account 2 / validate both balances
  • transfer value from account 1 to account 3 / validate both balances
  • transfer value from account 2 to account 1 / validate both balances
  • transfer value from account 2 to account 3 / validate both balances
  • call external hardware signer for account 3

create three Zilliqa account

  • Zilliqa 1 - HD account
  • Zilliqa 2 - Loose account
  • Zilliqa 3 - Hardware account
  • transfer value from account 1 to account 2 / validate both balances
  • transfer value from account 1 to account 3 / validate both balances
  • transfer value from account 2 to account 1 / validate both balances
  • transfer value from account 2 to account 3 / validate both balances
  • call external hardware signer for account 3

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