
Section about news readers / rss feeds

eastclintw00d opened this issue · 2 comments


I would appreciate some information about news feed readers and privacy. Are there alternatives that allow you to synchronize the feeds you have subscribed to between different devices without giving the information of which articles you read / mark to the big data collectors like Google. A section like this could contain, for example, how to set up an installation of tiny tiny rss.

Let me know what you think of this.

There is an add-on for Firefox called Bamboo ( which implements a fully featured RSS feed reader without having to rely on software running anywhere but on your computer. I've been using it since Google Reader shut down, and I'm pretty pleased with it.

The handbook, as it is today, covers only crypto-related software (and alternatives). For other suggestions on alternatives to general usage web services, a resource such as is likely to be much more comprehensive and up-to-date.