
Improve rss feed

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments

Would be nice to display additional information in rss entry description:

  1. announcement tag
  2. announcement author
  3. submit time in words

Hi, I would like work on this issue.

I understand that announcement author I can get from announcement.user.
How can I get tag?

And what's mean 'time in words'?

Thank you

Great ๐Ÿ‘

  1. announcement.typename
  2. announcement.user.login
  3. time_ago_in_words(announcement.created_at.not_nil!)

You may find an example in announcement view.

Users login, type and time in words should be formated on some way?
Maybe something like this:

<description>User: TestLogin (Project update) - 34 minutes ago &lt;p&gt;desc&lt;/p&gt;</description>

@janczer would be really nice to to have those new attributes below the description (just like in the original html view). So maybe something like this:

  <small>Project update.</small>
  <small>Announced 34 minutes ago by TestLogin</small>

Also please link TestLogin to user's github profile.

Thanks a lot!