
[help]"Users/lucas/.cache/crysta" was created in my workspace, how to fix it?

gofenix opened this issue · 2 comments


and the error is:

[Info  - 5:22:16 PM] Scry is looking into your code...
[Error - 5:23:04 PM] An error was found while searching diagnostics
Unexpected char 'U' at 1:1
Unable to get file info: '/Users/lucas/Documents/demos/crystals/for-ruby/tokens/Users/lucas/.cache/crysta/Users-lucas-Documents-demos-crystals-for-rub': File name too long (File::Error)
  from raise<File::Error+>:NoReturn
  from Crystal::System::File::info?<String, Bool>:(Crystal::System::FileInfo | Nil)
  from Dir::mkdir_p<String>:Nil
  from Crystal::CacheDir#directory_for<String>:String
  from Crystal::Compiler#new_program<Array(Crystal::Compiler::Source)>:Crystal::Program
  from Crystal::Compiler#compile<Array(Crystal::Compiler::Source), String>:Crystal::Compiler::Result
  from Crystal::Command#run:(Bool | Nil)
  from __crystal_main
  from main
Error: you've found a bug in the Crystal compiler. Please open an issue, including source code that will allow us to reproduce the bug:

That pluging is no more updated. You can find the official here.

Please remove the old one and install this. Then please report if the issue is resolved.

thank you