
Not working when working from a parent DIR

wJoenn opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Extension seems like it can't load properly unless my idea is currently opened on the crystal root dir.

  • Shards are marked as missing although they've been installed
  • Type hint on hover do not appear
  • Type errors do not appear

Opening the IDE in the Crystal dir instead of it's parent dir solves all the afore mentionned issues

To Reproduce
Move a crystal project in a parent directory

Error thrown saying jennifer is not installed

Type error not marked

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 + WSL2 Ubuntu22
  • Crystal version: v1.11.2
  • This plugin version: 0.9.3

This extension is designed to work with crystal projects opened as the workspace root, and will take some work to make it more extensible. However, this should fix another issue with opening projects outside of the current project root (like files from stdlib) that currently run into issues. For now my recommendation is to use multi-root workspaces until this functionality is implemented. As well, there are some issues with WSL2 that I haven't had time to diagnose yet, as a heads up. Thank you!

Shall I close this ? (Sorry for the delay, I hadn't checked my notifications for a while)

No - I'm currently implementing this functionality and should have it ready soon