
Feature Request: Add setting to consider reverted tests as failed in assertion mode

rappie opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the desired feature

I have switched to writing all my tests so that they should never revert. Currently I'm using additional self-tests to check my tests for unwanted reverts, it would be nice if this is a built-in option in Echidna.

Medusa has something similar:

				"panicCodeConfig": {
					"failOnCompilerInsertedPanic": false,
					"failOnAssertion": true,
					"failOnArithmeticUnderflow": false,
					"failOnDivideByZero": false,
					"failOnEnumTypeConversionOutOfBounds": false,
					"failOnIncorrectStorageAccess": false,
					"failOnPopEmptyArray": false,
					"failOnOutOfBoundsArrayAccess": false,
					"failOnAllocateTooMuchMemory": false,
					"failOnCallUninitializedVariable": false

For my use case it would be enough to consider any revert as a failed test