
Package name with hyphens should be converted to underscores

florimondmanca opened this issue · 2 comments

I've just tried creating a Python package named tartiflette-asgi (:wink:) and the resulting Python package is called tartiflette-asgi. It should be tartiflette_asgi because hyphens aren't allowed in Python identifiers.

To be clear, if name contains hyphens:

  • Keep the hyphenized name to create the project folder, project name, etc
  • Convert hyphens to underscores when creating the package itself. Use a .isidentifier() check to be 100% sure.

FYI, I had to implement a similar thing in Bocadillo CLI; PR is here: bocadilloproject/bocadillo-cli#3

cs01 commented

Yeah this is a problem. Thanks for reporting, and thanks for the PR link.

Python package named tartiflette-asgi

Awesome! You don't waste any time!

cs01 commented

Using cookiecutter instead