
A heartfelt appeal: please make lecture videos or transcripts available

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Dear CS107E team,

I'd like to commend you on how awesome the site and course is. This is a really special course. I love the fact that everything is online and open: I have been working through the course myself and am having a lot of fun and learning a lot.

Something that would really help would be the lecture videos, however: the lecture slides themselves don't provide enough context to understand them without some accompanying annotation.
I have previously spoken to Prof Levin who said that lecture videos couldn't be made public for privacy reasons:

Unfortunately, I can’t make the class videos we have public. The videos are a recording of my presenting material over Zoom to the students. The students are in the videos, when they ask questions or discuss the material. They were intended to be “as close to being there” for students whose time zones or other considerations made in-person attendance of lecture difficult. But since the students are in the videos, I can’t make them public: I didn’t ask students to sign a waiver, and Stanford’s position on student privacy is that it includes their in-class attendance.

I completely understand the privacy concerns, and of course I would not presume to ask you to get your students to sign a waiver.
I have a suggestion, however: would it be possible to run the lecture videos through some speech recognition software and get the transcript of the lectures (and, if needed, to redact students' questions and your answers if privacy is still a concern even with the transcript)? Additionally, it would be really helpful to get access to any of the grader/grader code.

Thanks very much once again for building and sharing such a wonderful course. Those of us not lucky enough to study at Stanford can only offer our sincere gratitude.
