
Make output is not colored

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When running commands like make inside cli50, the output does not have color. I tried replacing the subprocess.call line with pexpect.spawn("docker", ["run"] + options + ["cs50/cli"]).interact(), which uses a pseudo-tty, but this didn't fix the issue. Colorful output from make and friends would be nice for using cli50 in section.

Update: The colortest package works as expected, so it's not the case that Python is squashing colors.

Update 2: Using clang directly with -fcolor-diagnostics produces colors as expected.

Update 3: make is calling cc which is gcc, not clang. This issue is resolved by setting the environments CC=clang and CFLAGS="-fsanitize=integer -fsanitize=undefined -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c11 -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -Wshadow" to match the IDE.

Should be fixed in latest ubuntu user-based image!